For 500 million years the mission of a jellyfish has been to survive, adapt and succeed in water. And so it is that I had to survive, adapt in succeed in life after making terrible -- very terrible -- personal and professional decisions in 2019 that led me to spending two years at a federal prison camp in Lewisburg, PA.
While I was at the Lewisburg FPC, I focused on my spiritual, emotional and physical well-being each and every day. With daily prayer, a healthy diet of fruit and fish and five bottles of water every day, I went home in the best shape I've ever been -- spiritually, emotionally and physically.
It was just a few months into my sentence where I could clearly see that all the water that I was drinking every day was keeping my body, mind and soul hydrated, focused and healthy.
About twelve months from my release date I started thinking about the path forward for myself. What was I going to do to survive, adapt and succeed in life?
While visiting the camp library one afternoon I came across an article in a science magazine about the evolution of jellyfish and their ability to survive, adapt and succeed in the water for over 500 million years.
It was in that moment that the proverbial "light bulb" went off in my head for a new business: bottled water with the name Jellyfish Water.
Why bottled water and why Jellyfish Water?
Well, the "water" part was very easy. It was keeping my body, mind and spirit hydrated, focused and healthy, although daily prayer, meditation and exercise helped as well.
Essentially, I did not drink soda, juice or alcohol for two straight years so the water was literally healing and hydrating my body, mind and spirit.
The "jellyfish" part came pretty easily as well because the article was describing the unique ability of jellyfish to survive, adapt and succeed in the evolution of life.
Finally, in my previous life - my life prior to the camp - I was working with Jellyfish Intelligence Partners, a boutique corporate intelligence firm in Washington. Those days and a few news articles -- the good, the bad and the ugly-- are easily seen with a simple Google search.
About nine months from departure I started designing the label for what ultimately became the logo and the label for Jellyfish Water with a simple drawing of a jellyfish on a piece of notebook paper, which I still have.
As I began to really think about what I had done to find myself at this station of life -- the terrible, very terrible decisions that I made and the actions that I took -- the more I realized that my small-time brand of bottled water was going to have a challenging time competing with all the big-time brand of fitness and flavor waters bottled by the largest beverage companies in the marketplace.
As I was doing my daily physical, emotional and spiritual exercises to help myself get to the Finish Line of my sentence, I realized that these daily exercises were also becoming my daily "philosophy" of life. They were my routine to begin and end each day so that it would be one more day toward going home.
In between all those daily "philosophy" activities I was also drinking 3-5 bottles of water every day. I drank a bottle of water to begin the day after waking up. I drank a bottle of water to end the evening before going to sleep. And I would stay hydrated throughout the afternoon by drinking another bottle or two of water.
Six months before departure it became obvious to me that I could offer the world not a fitness water or a flavored water, but a "philosophy" water and the messaging on the label is what I worked on as I kept focus on the Finish Line.
When I finally left the camp on July 13, 2021 -- exactly 24 months after the meter started running on my sentence -- I immediately began work on the bottle design and the "philosophy' of the label for Jellyfish Water.
So this bottle of water -- this bottle of inspiration -- is for everyone out there who has made mistakes in life but could use a daily assist of courage and inspiration -- the conviction, as it were -- to overcome your obstacles and to navigate your roadblocks.
Jellyfish Water is a message in a bottle -- a "philosophy" water -- a set of principles, a state of mind and a conviction to excellence. To refresh, reset and rejoice in your body, mind and spirit each day.
Whatever you want to do in life, the Finish Line is out there. Just take it one day at a time and focus forward. Life begins with water. Success begins with you.
Mike Bagley
Jellyfish Water
Washington DC
Post Script:
My spiritual and emotional "medicine" (besides a lot of prayer) while I was at the camp was watching horse racing on TV whenever the opportunity was available.
With a bottle of water in my hand and a race to watch from Saratoga or Keeneland or Del Mar or Gulfstream (depending on the season), I was able to enjoy a wonderful day at the track even if it was only in my mind.
Along with my family and a lot of prayer, it was the horses and the horse racing community that helped carry me to the Finish Line of my sentence. And so it is that I offer my own family as well as all those horses and the horse racing community a debt of gratitude and my sincere thanks.
As a result, Jellyfish Water is very pleased to support and sponsor the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation (TRF) and its Second Chances Program.
The TRF offers second chances and support to race horses that are retiring from life on the track and need a "second chance" career when their racing days are over.
The TRF also supports a unique and pioneering “second chance” program for inmates at 8 correctional facilities who are participating in a vocational training program as they provide supervised care to TRF's retired racehorses.
Clients of Jellyfish Water can also help support the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation and the Second Chances program for both horse and human by purchasing a case of water today on this website.
Please see the Corporate Social Responsibility page for more information.

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